
Why is registering your Carbon Footprint with MITECO beneficial for your company?

Updated on
January 27, 2025

In a world where sustainability and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are increasingly valued, registering a company's carbon footprint is essential.

Why is it beneficial for a company to enroll its carbon footprint and record its offset? For multiple reasons, which we can define in two areas: Regulatory compliance and operational benefits.

Regarding regulatory compliance, registering the carbon footprint is starting to become mandatory for many companies to comply with new regulations and international agreements, in addition to providing access to incentives and subsidies that would otherwise not be accessible. Finally, environmental criteria are also valued in bids and can secure extra points by having the registration.

It is also important to highlight the operational benefits that a company sees when measuring and offsetting its carbon footprint. One of the primary benefits is seeing improvements in the company's competitiveness and reputation by having better control over the impact and cost of its operations, while also generating a positive reputational effect not only among its customers but also towards suppliers.

An environmentally responsible company also has the advantage of identifying improvement opportunities. Having better control over the environmental impact of its processes means identifying areas of efficiency where costs can be reduced and processes improved.

What is MITECO?

MITECO, previously known as the Ministry of the Environment, is responsible for state policies concerning water, coasts, climate change, pollution prevention, biodiversity protection, and more. Its carbon footprint registry was established to promote the fight against greenhouse gas emissions.

What is the purpose of MITECO's carbon footprint registry and what is it used for? 

MITECO's carbon footprint registry was born thanks to Royal Decree 163/2014, dated March 14, and offers the opportunity to offset the carbon footprint through forestry projects in Spain, with environmental and social benefits. Each registered footprint must be accompanied by a reduction plan and undergo an evaluation process to demonstrate emissions reduction.

How to Register Your Company's Carbon Footprint with MITECO? 

The registration process can be summarized in 4 main points:

Data Collection and Emission Calculation:

Gather information about energy consumption, fuel usage, employee travel, and other emission-related factors. Use recognized tools and methodologies to calculate your company's carbon emissions based on the collected data. Registering a carbon footprint and committing to its reduction involves adhering to the following principles: Registration focuses on the organization's carbon footprint. The minimum inclusion threshold covers greenhouse gas emissions in scopes 1 and 2. Evaluation of emissions in scope 3 is also encouraged and can be registered. Scope 3 emissions and scope 1 and 2 emissions (for non-SMEs or SMEs with process emissions) must be verified by an independent external entity. A carbon footprint reduction plan is a mandatory requirement.

Registration on the MITECO Platform, Reporting, and Verification:

Access the official MITECO platform and register as a user. Provide information about your company's carbon emissions according to specified categories. Complete the required reports and ensure that the data is accurate and verifiable. Some companies may opt for external verification to enhance credibility. Upon registration, each organization receives a registration certificate and a seal that provides a quick understanding of its level of participation in the Registry: whether it calculated its footprint, reduced it, or offset it, either partially or fully. It also indicates the corresponding year for that level of participation.

Goals, Offset, and Offset Registration:

Use the registration results to set emission reduction goals and develop an action plan to achieve them.

For offsetting to be valid within the Registry, the acquired CO2 tons must come exclusively from projects registered in the Registry.

A reduction in the carbon footprint can be registered when there is a decreasing trend in emissions related to the organization's activity. Certain criteria are established for this: The reduction in a specific year involves registering the carbon footprints for that year and the preceding three years. Emissions are analyzed in relation to a ratio obtained by dividing emissions by the activity index defined by the organization. The average of that ratio over the last three years must be lower than the average of the previous three-year period.

Absorption projects must also meet certain requirements: They must fall into one of these two categories: reforestation in areas that lacked forests as of December 31, 1989, or actions in forested areas that have been affected by fires to restore forest mass. They must be located in national territory. The minimum unit of action is 1 hectare, with a canopy coverage of at least 20% and a potential tree height of 3 meters at maturity. The project must remain in place for at least 30 years. It must have been implemented after the planting season of 2012 - 2013. A management plan must be developed, detailing the planned actions. The absorptions must be calculated using the Registry's calculator.

Offsetting is only registered when an organization with a registered carbon footprint reaches an agreement with an absorption project with available absorptions. There is no mandatory minimum for carbon footprint compensation or a maximum number of projects through which compensation can be carried out.

Continuous Monitoring:

Emission reduction is an ongoing process. Keep monitoring and updating your data regularly.

Registering your company's carbon footprint with MITECO is not only an environmental responsibility but also a smart strategy for sustainable growth and improved corporate image. The benefits go beyond mere legal compliance, contributing to a healthier and more resilient world. By following the proper steps, your company can make the most of this opportunity to lead the way toward sustainability.

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Cecilia Bayas
Senior Sustainability Specialist