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Fashion with Purpose: Scotta 1985's Environmental Pledge.

Scotta 1985, a renowned fashion brand, began its journey in 2014 committed to designing versatile and long-lasting garments. With a clear passion for authenticity and relevance, their "made to last" collections are a testament to passion, dedication, and resilience, blending style, comfort, and exceptional quality.
Blue Banana is a clothing brand that seeks to empower new generations through its designs, inviting them to adventure. It was launched in 2016, with the aim of inspiring new generations towards adventure. Today, they have positioned themselves as pioneers in sustainability.
2023 Actions
Total Environmental Impact Control
Carbon Offset Certification.
MITECO "Calculo" Seal.
MITECO "Compenso" Seal.
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Sustainability Pledge:
Scotta 1985 was already on the path to sustainability, aiming to enhance its commitment through complete traceability of its environmental impact. Despite actively managing the impact of their products, the brand faced the challenge of accurately measuring its carbon footprint in stores, offices, and vehicles to implement effective strategic decisions


The need for a tool for comprehensive environmental impact measurement.
Lack of comprehensive control over their environmental impact.
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The Achievements of Scotta 1985 with Dcycle:
Total Environmental Impact Control: Scotta adopted an integrated approach to manage its environmental impact.

Emission Compensation: The brand invested in renewable energy projects and adopted internal reduction measures, successfully neutralising its CO2 emissions and achieving Carbon-Offset status.

MITECO Certification: Scotta 1985 was recognised with the Calculo Seal and the Compenso Seal, demonstrating its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Outstanding Results:
Collaborating with Dcycle enabled Scotta 1985 to reach significant milestones towards sustainability, such as obtaining the Calculo and Compenso Seals, and contributing to the reforestation of areas affected by fires in Galicia, significantly advancing its environmental commitment.
"Thanks to the support of Dcycle and its environmental management software, we have achieved the Carbon-Offset certification. Every day, we commit more to moving towards a more sustainable fashion industry, neutralising our CO2 emissions.".
Carolina Panadero | PR&Communications Specialist at Scotta1985
Dcycle gives its clients access to the tools to take control of their sustainability so that they have visibility into where they are in terms of environmental impact.
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