
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

Updated on
July 29, 2024

The concept of sustainable development originated from the 1987 United Nations Commission report "Our Common Future", also known as the Brundtland Report, and it was based on two main pillars. On the one hand, it emphasized the importance of intergenerational equity, the notion that our generation should use resources in a way that does not affect the standard of living of future generations. On the other hand, sustainable development has three dimensions, since it affects not only the economy, but also the environment and society.

Since the concept first appeared, our understanding of sustainability has evolved. It was not until 2015, with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations, that a plan was defined to achieve a sustainable future on a global scale. In this agenda, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were created as a guide for the 193 member countries to fight poverty while making a fair distribution of the world's resources. Since then, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has become the most comprehensive roadmap for how the world's resources should be shared through a commitment to economic, environmental and social sustainability.

  • Economic sustainability stresses the need to establish long-term economic growth without creating negative impacts on the environment or society.
  • Environmental sustainability recognizes the limitation of resources and requires that demand remains within the overall supply of resources. 
  • Social sustainability recognizes the existence of fundamental human rights and demands that they are respected worldwide.

To achieve all three, the participation of governments, businesses and civil society in the creation and implementation of more ambitious goals is necessary. Additionally, the SDGs are interconnected and interdependent, so they should be considered holistically and not as separate goals.

17 Sustainable Development Goals 

At Dcycle we want to contribute to achieving the United Nations 2030 Agenda. To meet these goals, we help companies in their transformation towards environmental sustainability, establishing the foundations to achieve SDGs 6,7,12,13,14 and 15. Find out more about how we do it here

What can companies do with Dcycle to make progress towards the SDGs?

SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities

The basis for creating sustainable cities and communities is to understand the environmental impacts of our actions so that we can take action to reduce them.

Businesses are a pillar of the economy and society. It is essential to understand their impact in order to be able to contribute effectively to sustainable development. At Dcycle we analyse the carbon footprint of companies, taking into account the different aspects that contribute to it.  

In addition, the results obtained from this analysis allow us to understand the most and least polluting processes of the company and thus establish priorities in strategic decision-making.

SDG 12 Responsible production and consumption

In order to produce responsibly, it is necessary to know the environmental impact of each of our products and services. For this reason, at Dcycle we analyse the life cycle of products from the extraction of raw materials until they reach the end consumer. Once the unit impact is known, it is essential to take measures to reduce it. To achieve this reduction, the design functionality in the tool allows us to improve existing products, modifying their materials, processes and packaging to check their evolution. 

On the other hand, in order to ensure responsible consumption, consumer communication and education is vital. This translates into greater transparency. To this end, environmental performance and intentions to improve should be shared with customers. 

SDG 13 Climate action

The climate action target includes the various actions mentioned above, as well as all measures to reduce and offset the environmental impact generated by the company. In the case of reducing impact, it is essential to set targets based on concrete data. From Dcycle, reduction targets can be created based on Science Based Targets and the company's KPIs. On the other hand, to mitigate the impact that has not yet been reduced, you can compensate to achieve Net Zero by investing in renewable energy generation projects. 

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Boris Landívar
Environmental Engineer